New Coaching Companion - BloomYou can use this Coaching Companion as a stimulus for reflection and fresh thinking about what it means to you to bloom and flourish. I...
The Yes and game..For when we need to innovate We need to innovate when old ways of approaching a problem or a situation do not serve us well. We can do...
Identifying and living your valuesA value is a way of being or believing that we hold most important. (Brené Brown) Your Values represent what's important to you in life....
New Coaching Companion - ConnectionsI am exploring the value and importance of connections at the moment and about how we as humans make meaningful connections as a way of...
How to be busy doing NOTHING - a guide to perpetual anxiety and dissatisfaction - A playful perspective on getting stuck in the busy busy culture! I know that's a strange title for a resource to help you deal with...
AND THE WINNER IS…This a a great way to imagine success in your future life. You can really go to town on this, THINK BIG! The year is 2024. You have been...
Creating rituals to truly savour positive momentsWhen we contemplate the things that would make us happy, we tend to think of extraordinary and memorable events - going on a trip of a...
Create Your internal board of directorsA fun way of developing some internal resources and access points to enable creative thinking rather than default problem solving or...
New Coaching Companion - Lead your own lifeWhat does leading your own life mean to you? My answer is evolving. I've spoken before about being in a state of emergence, a transition...
New Coaching Companion on the theme of EmergenceIt's time for a spring clean! This year, more than ever, I feel aware of the changing season from winter into spring. This last winter...
Time to refreshDo you ever wonder where the last three months have gone? I do, especially coming out of winter with short days and a more internal...
Taking control-an approachOften our feelings of uncertainty are in the context of events beyond our control. These can make us feel angry, upset, anxious. But...